Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Succeeding in Business- Big Business Results

Simon Jordan is a fellow member of the Evolutionary Business Council, a marketing expert, and phenomenal radio host.  One theme that has run through his business career is that of taking massive action to achieve big results.  He is the host of Simon Jordan TV, and the author of How to Sky Rocket Your Business.

Synergy, connections, collaboration, getting back to basics are all things that will shift the planet, and the workplace. Simon talked about how these qualities are fundamental in his latest initiative One Planet One Place  One Planet One Place is a community, and in many ways is a virtual community.  The world is changing. Relationships can be established quickly and easily through social media and other technological platforms. Businesses can create powerful collaborations with others around the world. Collaboration instead of competition is the emerging mindset for many businesses, and I can say that the corporate clients I work with who come from collaboration, not competition are very successful.

Here are some questions to think about this week as you plan to create big business results:

1) Who do you know?
2) Who do you enjoy working with .... there is synergy?
3) What collaborations have you done that could be re-established?
4) How are you maintaining connections and relationships with others in the business world?
5) Where are you moving back to the basics?

Listen to our conversations on the Conversation with Charmaine radio show at:

Listen to internet radio with Conversations with Charmaine on Blog Talk Radio

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