Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taming the Inner Critic to Bring Out More Joy

Today I am pleased to share a guest blog post from my colleague, Sheevaun Moran, who is also a fellow member of the Evolutionary Business Council

 Taming the Inner Critic to Bring Out More Joy

Our world is filled with many words and many of those are actually critical. These critical thoughts and words are  brought down by our parents and their parents. These energies and thoughts live within us so much so that they manifest easily when someone is around us who is critical.

For many years I’ve heard from my clients that they want peace and joy. I always say that unless you have a model, on a regular basis, for joy and peace that you won’t get there. You will only wish and long for something that sounds good – too good to be true.

It is possible but you must fill your home, office, energy, life and all surroundings with things that bring you joy. You must be informed or inform yourself when you are out of alignment with the things that bring you joy.

There is a quote in my book Shotgun Shopping-Materializing What You Want Without Ever Shopping that says “Never bring into your home anything that you don’t absolutely love. If you do your mind will start having little pangs of doubt. It will be just like a slow leak in a tire that eventually will burst and create chaos.”

The same thing applies to having joy in your life. it is at your fingertips, if only you will allow it. Rather, it is on the tip of your tongue and all you need to do is allow it.

I learned many years ago from a mentor of mine that there’s joy around me and ready to jump in and take place at my whim. The word that he used when sharing this concept is “ananda”.

While this is not a common word today we are still affected by the energy of this word – ananda. Try it.

Sheevaun Moran is an author, keynote speaker, transformation expert and uses energy to help CEO’s and entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and goals. Fifteen years and thousands of clients are out there living their dreams as a result of Sheevaun’s work. She can be found at

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