Monday, November 12, 2012

Do You Have a Million Dollar Mindset?

Marla Tabaka is the host of the Million Dollar Mindset Radio Show and the title of her show really got me thinking as to what a million dollar mindset it. What does it mean to you?

Marla Tabaka Host of the Millionaire Dollar Mindset Show
Photo credit to Marla Tabaka Images online

She interviewed me about my books  Bounce Forward- Building Resilient & Inspired Teams, and my new co-authored (with Debra Kasowski) book GPS Your Best Life- Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style.

  What did we talk about?  A lot!

When Marla asked me about the importance of a Million dollar mindset  I shared that one way I set my success mindset is a mantra I created for myself "making moments matter"  This daily mantra helps me stay present, thrive in tough times, find the learning in challenging situation and be a champion for others.

Living your best life means different things to different people. For many, it is doing what you love and living passion and purpose.  There are times when we feel we are not living our best life.  Some of the Warning signs (of being off track or off course)…no passion for the work. I shared a story of when I knew it was time for a career change. My warning sign was that I loved to do had changed. Second sign to pay attention to is confusion or lack of clarity. People often say things like "I am not where I want to be" or "I need something more" but. they are not sure what that “different” is.  Another sign to pay attention to is that your happiness barometer goes down, or joy factor goes down. Stress level goes up. Sometimes we are the last to clue in the fact we are stressed, even though those around us notice. Resistance or feeling stuck is another sign you might be off course. 

Marla asked what my favorite GPS tips are and I advised that I love the Daily 5 GPS Actions, Affirmations.

We then talked about Bouncing Forward, which is really about being resilient. A critical skill for businesses and leaders.  Some tips I offered included those that I have been sharing for years in my presentations to my corporate audiences, these include: 

  • Frame your day
  • I AM statements that are affirming and hopeful
  • Irritation reduction- reduce and minimize the little frustrations in life that are within your control
  • Keep your 7 years- we can add years to our life by eating well, exercising, and not carrying around grudges, anger and resentment
  • Deal with your P’s: Reduce Perfectionism, processes, people, problem resolution

One way to reduce resentment or regret is to look at what you need to let go of.  People let go in different ways.  On the show I shared a couple of powerful examples of my corporate clients.  These included rituals and forgiveness, and focusing on what really matters, what Covey calls the Big Rocks. These steps help people get around what gets in the way of teams bouncing forward such as: leaders not engaging the team, history, old drama, goals that are not shared with team, not wanting to make mistakes so avoiding  appropriate risks, and working style clashes.

What does help: succession plans, building team and resilience, building your team and leadership legacy, setting goals/mission/vision and values that everyone on the team is connected to, engagement

This was just the surface of what we talked about.  You can listen to the show here.  Feel free to share the links with other you think will enjoy the discussions.

Until next blog... wishing you a Bounce Forward Kind of a Week!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful reminder and sage advice Charmaine. Thank you for sharing your gift on The Million Dollar Mindset!


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