Saturday, July 7, 2012

Learning about TEAM from the Blue Angels

There are many ways we can learn about teamwork.  The Book and video The Power of TEAMWORK by Scott Beare  is a powerful and useful guide about the values required in teamwork. Based on the Blue Angels Creed and Centre Point Values, the book covers team qualities such as clarifying procedures, capitalizing on synergy, communication across every level, maintaining peak performance and more. The book also shows how team values must be in alignment with the teams vision, mission and purpose. I recommend this book not only for leaders, but also for teams. A great book to inspire team performance and leadership. If you have been in one of my team building workshops, you may well have seen this video.  It is a definite favorite of my corporate clients.

When you think about your team...what fuels the team? What values help the team members stay true to the vision? How does communication flow in your team? 

Here are a few tips to building a team that heads in the same direction:

- create a team charter
- clarify team roles, expectations, and goals
- engage the team in planning and the creation of goals
- communicate...openly....honestly and often
- address issues as they arise...they tend to get in the way of the flight path

And of course... celebrate the successes, wins and accomplishments of the team.