Monday, July 9, 2012

Barriers to Authors Bouncing Forward

If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison.  And then, once the book is written, the work REALLY begins! And, once you write it, you must get it out to the world! We live in a digital world, and it is imperative that business owners, leaders and authors be savvy about doing business in a digital world.

Since our first book was released, On Toby's Terms, in 2010, I have met many authors from all over the world, and I frequently hear them talking about having too much to juggle, being tired, and overwhelmed.  When I have showed this photo of our dog Toby, many people have said "I can so relate that!" or "That is exactly how I feel at the end of my work day" or "He looks like I feel!".

Since I created Your Book as a Business and systematized everything I do in my book business, and our speaking and training business, life has become MUCH easier!  Less stress, more energy, most effective use of time, and, way more fun!  Take a few moments to think about how you can create more systems in your daily (personal and professional life).

Recently, Karen Henrich was my guest on my Your Book As a Business radio show. Karen is an author and the publisher of TapBooks Publishing, helping authors to bring their content to life in the form of ebooks + apps. Henrich's guidebook, Practical Paris, has been a top seller on Amazon consistently since Feb. 2011. Her favorite place to write is in Parisian cafés, in the very same establishments formerly frequented by the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and other illustrious writers past. See TapBooks titles by visiting and type 'tapbooks' in the search bar.

To listen to the full show and Karen’s incredible insights and business tips for your book, visit:

Karen talked about the importance of becoming Internet savvy because if you have written a book, you are in the world of Internet marketing and business. For many this is a BIG learning curve, and can absolutely get in the way of bouncing back.  Karen suggested some great tips (you can listen here)

Here's a few tips for authors, actually these tips apply to anyone in business or working for a living:

- schedule down time for yourself everyday
- focus your learning on what you need to know, not everything that would be nice to know
- become savvy with the technology that you are required to use
- set daily priorities and schedule your time (I often use a timer otherwise time just slips by me)
- take breaks to refresh and re-energize throughout the day
- set reasonable and attainable goals
- have a weekly completion day where you schedule time to complete projects and tasks that are half done
- find time saving activities. For example, we send a lot of handwritten thank you cards (usually 5-10 per week). I purchase thank you cards in bulk so I have a selection to choose from rather than making more errands for myself than necessary.
- I use Dragon naturally Speaking voice recognition software (love this program!!)

To find out more visit Karen at:

 Other Products I love that can help save time:        

For more information about host Charmaine Hammond: http://www.howtosellandmarketyourbook/

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