Monday, January 14, 2013

The Heart and Soul of Leadership

 Things are changing in the world of leadership.

Business and leadership success is really a journey, not so much a destination. Companies and leaders that are looking at their team, relationships, process, systems and values are further ahead than those who simply look at the bottom line. Leadership and success is more than the bottom line.

Dr. Jo Anne White was my guest on a recent Conversations  with Charmaine Radio Show. She is an international author and speaker, a Professional Coach who specializes in transformation and innovation. Jo Anne has worked with many businesses to get to the heart of what really matters most in organizations, and in people. She has been using The Success Principles to enrich the lives and business of her clients. She is also an author in the book Mastering the Art of Success.  She is known as the "Success Doc".   

Jo Anne White- speaker, author and success coach

When talking about the Heart and Soul of Leadership (also a chapter in her book), Jo Anne talked about the model she created around leadership...the ROAST model (J. White):

R- Relationships
O- Ownership
A- Application
S- Stewardship
T- Trust and Truth

I love the model she created... it is easy to remember, makes sense and captures some of the most important aspects and actions of a leader.  You can listen to Jo Anne share her tips around the ROAST model as well as our discussions about succession planning, values in the workplace and the process of putting more heart and soul into the workplace.

Do you remember your first leadership position or role?

What were the challenges that immediately faced you as you transitioned to this new position and set of responsibilities?

Perhaps they were the ones Jo Anne talked about...responsibility, building a healthy workplace culture, encouraging diversity and innovation, creating succession plans, living up to the values of the organization.

I recall a team I worked with where one of the leaders did not want the leadership position. I had been contracted to facilitate a team building process for this team who was experiencing struggles with performance, meeting deadlines, and communicating effectively.  During the pre meeting interviews I conducted separately with each team member, the leader said "Charmaine, I never wanted this position.  The job came up, management had to fill the role, and I was the most senior guy." This leader I'll call Dave went on to explain that his most painful learning, and biggest challenge was the transition from "being one of the guys" to "leading the guys."  The company did not assist with the transition and the support and development he needed in leadership, planning and supervision was not provided. When I began working with the team, he was tired, and emotionally drained. When I interviewed the team members, they talked about the challenges in seeing their "friend" in a leadership role. In many ways they felt they were not supporting Dave as much as they could, and the new boundaries in the relationship were not clear.  When I began the group team building process, and worked with them to develop a team agenda, this provided the team not only with a sense of direction, but also the boundaries and clarity that each person privately said they needed.

What can you do to bring more trust, clarity around expectations and roles, innovation, integral relationships and leadership to your team?

Listen to internet radio with Conversations with Charmaine on Blog Talk Radio

I also had the pleasure of being interviewed on Jo Anne's radio Show.  Here is a link to the show where Jo Anne interviewed me, you can listen to the show at:  I would welcome hearing your thoughts and perspectives on the conversation we had about how animals can be teachers in leadership.

To order your copy of Mastering the Art of Success and read more from Jo Anne, visit:

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