Friday, November 30, 2012

Be Exquisite on Radio...How you sound, what you say and what you do matters

What are your favorite radio shows?
What makes you want to stay on the channel when you hear someone speaking?
What makes you want to tune into someone else?
 Radio is a great way to get your message out to the masses, share your expertise, to your current audience and those you wish to be in front of. I enjoy being on radio so much I am not only a frequent media guest, but, I also host my own three shows, you can check them out here:

Charmaine’s Radio Shows:
Conversations with Charmaine  Every Wed 1 pm MST   - I interview experts on leadership, team building, customer service, collaboration, difficult conversations, fundraising, and more!
PAWsitive Radio (all things Pets) Every Sat 3 pm MST – I interview experts in the pet industry, animal and pet related organizations.
Your Book As a Business  Every Sat. 4 pm MST – I interview authors and  experts in the publishing, book marketing, sponsorship and book sales industry

Debbi Dachinger award winning radio host, coach, best selling author
Authors, speakers, business owners and leaders often make the same radio mistakes. 
Are you making this On Air Mistakes?

       Talking non-stop and not allowing the host to get in the conversation unless they interrupt you?
       Turning your radio conversation into a monologue, a keynote?
       Not engaging with the listening audience who are at home, in their car or getting ready for work?

Here's the good news! These mistakes can easily be overcome. Be prepared. Make sure the show is a good fit for you. Know how you will answer questions: One such way is to practice your “sound bites” before the show, research the show you will be on to get a flavor for the hosts’ approach, remember you are in a conversation (a two way dialogue), you want to be remembered so deliver great content and stories. These were a few of the many powerful tips from Debbi Dachinger.

Debbi Dachinger is an award winning radio host, of Dare to Dream Radio, and a sought after media guest. She is also a coach who teaches authors, entrepreneurs, speakers and businesses how to be fabulous on radio.  I interviewed her on my radio show; you can listen to her great tips here:

For authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and leaders who will be on media (hint- speakers, authors, entrepreneurs..Radio is important!), there are a few ways you can find out about media opportunities, these are ones I also use:
-       HARO (Help a Reporter Out)
-       Reporter Connection
-       Pitchrate
-       Radio Guest list
-       Ask hosts for other referrals

Part of the radio experience is the relationship you build with the host. Make sure you help the host help promote the show. We use social media, our blog, invitations via email, to help promote the show. After the show, help the host promote the show link, we use our blog, social media, newsletters, emails with link to clients, and we put in our electronic press kits. You can also do a press release announcing the shows that you will be on.

Are you using Google Alerts? Asked Debbi. We are. This is how I find out how people are talking about us on the internet. Debbi shared a super example of this on the show:

Make sure you have your “talk abouts” page done, suggested Debbi. This is a page with 5-10 questions that the host might ask during your interview, and a short bio, and description of your book or services or event.
Debbi stressed the importance of follow up, stay in contact with the radio host, circle back every 3-4 months, they might just get you on the show again. Promote their show to other people. Do powerful email introductions of shows the host would be a good fit as a guest, or introduce exquisite guests to that host.

Access a free gift from Debbi:

Listen to internet radio with Your Book As a Business on Blog Talk Radio

Access a free gift from Debbi:

Let’s Stay in Touch:
       Twitter @hammondgroupbiz
       Twitter @ontobysterms
       Linked In:

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