Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bounce Forward...getting resilience on the HR agenda

Recently I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker for HR.Com in their virtual conference. My topic was Bounce Forward- building resilience at work.  During the webcast, some great conversations and questions were generated around: building resilience, making resilience a higher priority, building team charters, and how to help the team bounce forward during change, challenge, adversity and crisis. 

Resilience is an important topic to get on the HR agenda’s in workplaces. One of my key messages during this presentation is that “the time is now!” to build the business Bounce Forward.  My book, Bounce Forward has four components...

1) Courageous Dialogue- having the conversations that matter most (and are mostly avoided)
2) Teamwork by design- not by default
3) Managing stress and boosting resilience
4) the ASK

You can access the webcast recording here:

Here are some of the tips I shared on the webcast:
- Take time to build the team
- Resolve issues effectively and as they arise
- Practice and prepare for challenging conversations
- Ask for help
- Set three priorities per day
- Build a team charter
- Create opportunities that build trust and improve relationships
- Help others discover their passion and purpose and connect activities to these

As you move into the second half of 2012, what will you do to make sure you are bouncing forward....that you are resilient?  Simply taking one action each day towards building resilience and your ability to bounce forward results in 365 actions in a year!

1 comment:

  1. Looking back over my career, it is clear that the attitudes and beliefs that I brought to my situation impacted my resilience at work. Becoming more conscious of personal approaches to challenging situations expands our ability to be resilient.


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