What are the basics to Bouncing Forward? I was asked on a motivational radio show interview. What a great question, because in many ways Bouncing Forward is about getting back to basics. In fact, bouncing forward is not rocket science…it involves a mindset and intentional actions (and most of the actions are not news to us). The basics are:
- eating healthy, sleeping enough, exercising daily, and fresh air)
- eating healthy, sleeping enough, exercising daily, and fresh air)
- Hanging around positive people
- Prioritizing your day
- Not carrying anger, regret and unresolved issues with you…let them go!
- Not carrying anger, regret and unresolved issues with you…let them go!
- Putting a stop to self blame and self limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself
- Stop being a perfectionist
- Manage what gets in the way
- And laugh lots and smile whenever you can!
These are the basics… like I said there is likely nothing there you haven’t heard. The challenge is managing the distance between the knowing (what you should do) and the doing. A few other tips are to:
- Ask for what you need
- Speak using Courageous Dialogue
- Kindness
As life happens, remember to Get Back to Basics and ASK to Bounce Forward.
To order your copy of Bounce Forward, contact Hammond International Inc. at chris.alcock@hammondgroup.biz (www.hammondgroup.biz)for your signed copy. And… Bounce Forward will soon be available in audio!