Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Got Money?

Maria Simone is a transformational business and funding strategist who helps business attract funding, launch products and create abundance. Maria is also the founder and CEO of Passion to Prosperity, Leadership Director for the National Business Experts and Producer of the fundraise Investor Pitch and Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit. She wants business owners to know that "the money has not left the planet"; in fact, there is a lot of it out there. The key is knowing how to tap into more.

One of the first steps is to do a mindset test, advised Maria Simone. Is your mindset and thinking more about abundance or scarcity? Thinking there is more than enough to go around or not enough to meet your needs? Your mindset is critical in securing funding and tapping into investors and financial abundance.

When creating joint ventures with other businesses and authors, look for the W3- win, win, win. Win for you, win for the other partner and the win for the client or customer. Each of you needs to prosper from this partnership or collaboration. 

Check our Maria's exciting new venture:  or

Here are some other Simple but powerful strategies from Maria:

- Create joint ventures

- Determine what you are trying to accomplish- list out your goals and list out the resources you have and the resources you need

- Explore partnerships

- Ask for deferred payments or payment plans

- Trade products and services

The money- funding is out there. There are always businesses looking to support launches and be a part of events. You can ask them to support your project by offering a “loan” as an investment, then after your launch, you pay them back plus interest or a bit of profit. Listen to the fabulous example Maria shared on the second half of my radio show (starts at 30 minutes in):

To read Maria’s book Passion to Prosperity visit: