Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Power of Appreciation and Gratitude

As I was on the internet I found this beautiful short statement that is packed full of meaning.  These simple sentences say a lot:
Thanks to those who loved me, You made my heart grow fonder.  Thanks to those who cared, You made me feel important.  Thanks to those who entered into my life, You made me who I am today.  Thanks to those who left, You showed me that nothing lasts forever.  Thanks to those who stayed, You showed me true friendship.  Thanks to those who listened, You made me feel like I was worth it.~Author Unknown
This statement reminds us of the power of appreciation and gratitude.  Everyone faces challenges, disappointments, and loss.  However, the way in which we perceive and cope is so defining.  When we see the opportunity, the learnings, and blessings wrapped inside the difficulty, we are more apt to cope and move forward.  As we are half way through the first month of the year, it is a great time to reflect upon the people who have made a difference in your life, impacted your life, there are many ways in which you impact others around you.  Your family, community and workplace are all areas of your life where you have influence with other people.
How do you want others to remember you?  What is it you hope others say about you in your absence?  In what ways do your actions support your intended results?
Who could you show Appreciation and Gratitude to today?

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