Can one question and 8 seconds change a life? It is my belief that it can. In fact, 8 seconds and one question did!
I am a member of the Evolutionary Business Council (EBC). The council is a powerful convergence of thought-leaders that are visionary in their approach to business and how they treat people. They operate from a place of collaboration, to both help each other grow exponentially in influence and in personal power. They are committed to leaving a profound influence on the lives of others. At our first retreat, a blizzard weekend in beautiful Canmore Alberta, we gathered to build the Council and seek opportunities to collaborate.
One of the exercises involved each EBC member stating their business “ASKS.” As you may know, I believe so much in the importance and value of The ASK that I have written articles and developed workshops/presentations on this topic. At the EBC we each had to do an ASK to the group. With one question, and 8 seconds, my life was profoundly impacted.
My ASK was for support for my upcoming Best Seller Campaign for my book On Toby’s Terms. Each person in the room raised their hand to be involved and lend their support. Then it was time for the next ASK, as I still had almost 2 minutes left. I was so moved by the power of the ASK and receiving the GIVE.
How we ASK is as important as how we GIVE. How comfortable are you with the ASK? How well do you receive?
When you ASK others for what it is you need, you open the door for others to do the same. When you receive graciously, it encourages others to be more comfortable with receiving.
If you were to do an ASK this week, what would it be?
Wishing you great success as you step in to ASKing.
Post note: I have written about the ASK in my new book Bounce Forward- Building Resilient & Inspired Teams which is being released March 31, 2011.
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