Last year I had the incredible opportunity to meet my mastermind colleagues at an event in Missoula Montana. Despite my luggage not arriving with me (and I had to go shopping—I know—what a shame), the event started on a high and ended with me stepping into action.
Have you ever asked one question that opened a myriad of doors for you?
That is exactly what happened for me. My mastermind coach, Patricia, facilitated a powerful brainstorming process for each attendee. We each presented one business challenge, idea or need, and the group brainstormed solutions and ideas for about three minutes. What transpired was incredible. One question, a range of possible options, and one clear action plan. This was such a powerful process of creating new solutions to old ideas and issues. Even one year later, the ideas that were shared have helped me with other new business initiatives.
This brainstorming process inspired me to duplicate this powerful experience for others. I have facilitated a number of Success Circles for businesses and entrepreneurs, and am excited about launching my new three month program- Power Hour Success Circles.
I encourage you to ask one question, and see how many new ideas and new solutions others can generate for you. One question, can bring about a whole new future!
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