This quote by Eric Harvey, asks critical questions about the obstacles that get in the way of team success.
“What are some of the obstacles that get in the way of everyone in your organization "walking their talk"? Can you make a list of those obstacles? Are there things on your list that you could do something about? Which obstacles are within your control to overcome or remove, and which obstacles are outside your influence?” ~Eric Harvey
In my work with teams both as a team member, as a facilitator, consultant and corporate trainer, I have identified 8 obstacles that I see teams struggle with time and time again. In my Teamwork By Design (not by default) program I help participants to a) understand the 8 obstacles, b) participate in a diagnostic which identifies the current obstacles of challenge, and c) the part leaders really like… action to improve, and transformational change.
When I think back to the first “real” team I worked on as a full time employee, it was in the correctional system, a medium secure institution for adult male offenders. Being one of a few females, and fresh out of college, I learned a great deal about teams (and the obstacles). Eric Harvey’s questions guide us to consider:
• How congruent is our behavior and what we say, and what we value?
• What obstacles are we aware of, and avoiding?
• What are the obstacles that are within your control, or influence?
• And, how can you utilize your influence to overcome the obstacles and benefit the team?
Keeping these questions in the forefront of your mind can alert you to the obstacles sooner, and therefore deal with them in a more timely and effective manner. Watch for more on this topic in future blogs.
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