Monday, January 28, 2013

What is Business Success?

Success is measured differently and means something different to people.

Some measure success through achievements and accomplishments. Others measure it by feedback and accolades received from others. Some say success is measured by the property you own, where you live and what you drive. And others believe that success in about living your best life... and being of service to others.

What does business success mean to you?

What successes from 2012 are you bringing with you in 2013?

What are you leaving behind?

These are all great questionsI talked with Mike Mack from X5 Management Inc. about success.

Mike shared his perspectives on success, and announced an event his company is hosting to bring Darren Hardy, publisher of  Success Magazine and author of The Compound Effect      
 to Edmonton on March 5, 2013.

 You can listen to Mike talking about success and the event here:

Listen to internet radio with Conversations with Charmaine on Blog Talk Radio

My mantra for 2013: Life is full of moments... make your moments matter.

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