Tonight I was interviewed by Jearlyn Steele, on the radio WCCO AM 830 (Minneapolis). The topic was about complaining. We talked about why people complain, how the holiday season often inspires more impatience and complaining, and some tips to how communicate complaints effectively. During the conversation we also talked about how an attitude of thanks and gratitude can go a long way.
Here are five ways to develop an attitude of thanks vs. complaints:
1. When you receive good service, let others know. In fact, make sure you tell the person that you received the good service from, and inform their manager or company owner. It is great to follow up in writing, this letter may go on their personnel file, but also goes a long way in making that person feel appreciated.
2. Use social media to share good experiences (and recommend businesses with others). Facebook, Linked In Recommendations and twittering or putting it in your newsletter or blog.
3. Call people by name, especially when they are wearing a name tag. What a great way to make a personal connection with people that are providing service to you.
4. Manage your mindset- the thoughts we think shape our attitudes, words and actions (and of course, the results). Have an attitude of gratitude instead of complaint.
5. When you do have a complaint, word it clearly, managing your emotion so the individual helping you hears the concern. Sometimes when emotions are running high, the person you are complaining to actually tunes you out, the emotion interferes with listening.
6. Two little words that mean a lot- THANK YOU!
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