Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Workplace Values..... the value of values

Richard Schultz and I enjoyed a great conversation about values when I interviewed him on my radio show

In our conversations, Richard talked about two important words that are essential. You probably used these words all the time...I AM. These two words are very important in a value based workplace and in describe the team and business goals. These words are also very important in shifting mindsets and overcoming discomfort. Richard gave an example of making difficult calls, sales calls (something that causes discomfort and even fear and procrastination for some). Instead of focusing on the dread of the phone call or the face to face conversation, Richard suggested you could say something like: "I am calm and personalable”, "I am smiling” or “I am clear in message and effective in building rapport”

Setting the intention of success, picturing a favourable outcome and using affirming statements can be helpful in conversations where you are typically uncomfortable or nervous.

Have the outcome clear in your mind, what does the end story look like?

With affirming statements, Richard said they take work, and frequent repetition to be effective in fact, he suggested we need to repeat these statements about 200-300 times to create a belief and mindset change in our subconscious programming. He says that VALUES =Beliefs plus Behaviour

The process of walking the talk in creating a value based workplace is to:

1) Choose to be aware- leaders check in with your behaviours. Are the results you want, the results you are achieving?

2) Tools and behaviours- for example if you get stressed about doing business presentations, or cold calls, your subconscious brain is likely repeating messages such as "I can’t stand doing this","I am not good enough to win the trust of the top executives", "I am up against tough competition". Instead identify what you do want, not your fear or what you are trying to avoid. Turn the unwanted behaviour into a statement of belief by using these two words I Am.... and then stepping into action.

Listen here to learn how you can put more focus on values in your team and workplace:

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