In October I had the pleasure of emceeing an incredible event for the second year in a row. The event was the HR Boot Camp. The audience was a skilled group of Human Resources professionals and leaders from businesses, small and large. The speakers were from local businesses that were are engaged in innovative and creative solutions to Human Resources issues.
After listening to the incredible examples and case studies featuring HR innovation at its best, I left the event with new information, powerful reminders, and some concepts that challenged my thinking.
Some of the reminders that stuck with me, even two month later, are:
- The importance of identifying and building talent in the organization. One speaker gave examples of how they foster employees "growing with us" (with their company), and exchanged numerous examples of how they do this through innovation awards, engagement, opportunities for training and development and professional growth, mentoring and coaching, and exposure to hew learning.,
- How vital training is, at every level in the organization. There was a focus on the importance of leadership development. Far too often companies invest less in their leaders as their experience level grows. The reality is that leaders, as much as anyone, benefit from ongoing support, coaching and development. Investing in leadership is an investment in the company.
- Knowledge transfer is essential to ensure the long term survival of an organization. When an employee leaves a company, they take with them an invaluable amount of corporate history, knowledge and wisdom. Companies that find ways to transfer knowledge, develop and review succession plans, and who have seasoned employees mentoring new employees will ensure that corporate knowledge is retained and that legacies live on.
What examples of innovation is your company proud of? How do you foster innovation in your place of work? What has worked for you in terms of having employees "grow with you"?
As you move forward into another year, take a few moments to expand on what is working well, explore some new ways to foster innovation and ensure that you have actions in place to retain corporate knowledge and history. A plan in more than a great idea. It is a great idea with action behind it.
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