Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Are your VALUES showing?

Are your values showing? If you answered yes to this, I am sending you a huge standing ovation!
So often I see company values hanging on a faded paper in the boardroom or on the busy bulletin board that no one looks at, or worse yet- hidden between the covers of the white binder, or in a place that no one can find them.
Organizations’ whose values are showing often have some of these qualities:
- Employees and leaders know the values, they can remember or recite them, better yet- they live them
- The values statements are powerful and real (not just words)
- Employees and leaders feel connected to the values
- There is a sense of connectedness to the company values

5 Tips to Showing Your Values:
- Proudly display your company values in areas that are prominent, and display them in a way that encourages pride (not on a faded paper on the busy bulletin board)
- Use the values in your discussions, make them part of your dialogue
- Invite discussions about how people live the values
- Recognize congruency (when people walk the talk)
- Ensure employees know the values (and that they are documented in a way that is easy to recite)

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